Some problems of comparison as a method of the social sciences

in search for understanding or explanation?




Comparative methods, Comparative research, Ethnography, Social analysis


This article reviews some of the most common comparative approaches in the social sciences and questions their implications to the methodological dilemmas existing in the current literature. Based on classic works in the field of comparative social sciences and the analysis of recent studies published in Latin America, some of the main dichotomies inherent to the researcher’s choice regarding the main alternatives of comparison are presented: similarity vs. difference; synchrony vs. diachrony; intra-system vs. trans-sys- tem. In addition to any discussion aimed at identifying the “appropriate” model, the ob- jective of the article is to explain the real difficulties faced by researchers in defining the design of their social research and to reveal some limitations of the comparative method for the construction of causal inferences. The discussion concludes with the argument that the use of strategies that consider the so-called “non-methodical moment” of resear- ch can lead to a more fruitful approach to social phenomena.


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Author Biography

Paulo Alexandre Batista de Castro, Universidade de Brasilia

Doutorando em Ciência Política na Universidade de Brasília. Possui graduação em Ciência Política e mestrado em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas pela mesma Universidade. Suas linhas de pesquisa atuais tratam dos limites da legitimidade do Supremo Tribunal Federal e das estratégias de gastos eleitorais dos candidatos a prefeito no Brasil. Tem experiência nas áreas de análise política, políticas públicas e estudos judiciais. Foi consultor de políticas públicas no Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) e na Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República. No Ministério da Justiça, atuou como Consultor de Políticas Públicas, Coordenador-Geral Consumo e Cidadania e Coordenador-Geral de Cooperação Técnica e Capacitação da Secretaria Nacional do Consumidor (Senacon). Desde 2015, integra o quadro de professores do Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP). Entre 2017 e 2018 foi Research Fellow na American University, Washington D.C.


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How to Cite

Castro, P. A. B. de. (2019). Some problems of comparison as a method of the social sciences: in search for understanding or explanation?. Revista Do CEAM, 4(1), 133–143.