The Post-Pandemic World

the new normal of the neoliberalism and the role of the State


  • Gilberto Maringoni UFABC



Pandemic - Public health - Economic crisis – State


Although the pandemic has lost momentum in practically all countries and lethality has been greatly reduced due to the advent of vaccines, its effects on social life tend to be profound and extensive. The most important of all is the role of the State in the health area and its ability to carry out counter-cyclical actions to mitigate the economic consequences of the spread of the virus. The liberal consensus of the supposed supremacy of the market over public power fell apart during 2020-21, when several governments made huge expenditures that prevented the crisis from running amok. Even so, social relations, work organization and urban space, in particular, can also undergo qualitative changes. The present article seeks to discuss these and other questions about a possible "new normal" at the global level.


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How to Cite

Maringoni, G. (2024). The Post-Pandemic World: the new normal of the neoliberalism and the role of the State. Journal of Study and Research on the Americas, 16(1), 101–121.


