Control of Aedes aegypti in Altamira/Pará
The integration of the Endemic Control Agent in the context of the implementation of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant
Integration. Endemic control agent; family health strategy; Action research;Abstract
The integration of Aedes aegypti control actions in primary care appears as a possible alternative to be implemented. The objective of this work was to propose actions to control Ae. aegypti, with the integration of the Endemic Control Agent in the Family Health Strategy in Altamira, Pará, in 2019. The action research methodology was used, with a qualitative and qualitative approach. The data showed the incidence of dengue in the period of socio-environmental changes in Altamira, with the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant and the perception of health professionals regarding the integration, advances and challenges experienced by professionals at the Cruzeiro e Mutirão health unit. In the group's perception, the integration process contributed to strengthening primary care. As advances, they perceived vector reduction, greater knowledge of the team on vector-related issues and greater community sensitivity. Altamira suffered a strong increase in dengue during the period of mobilization and the start of construction of the hydroelectric plant. Among the challenges to be overcome, it was identified the lack of sensitivity of managers to implement the integration. This research can strengthen the process of integration of the Endemic Control Agent in primary care teams.
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