The Constitution of The Republic of Cuba of 2019: democratic amplification and economic regulation as challenges from present time to the real socialism
Cuba; Constitution of 2019; Democracy; Economics and PoliticsAbstract
This paper presents and discusses the Project of Constitution approved by the Assembly of Popular Power of Cuba, in July 21 and 22, 2018, to the substitution of the Constitution of 1976 and validated through popular referendum in February 24, 2019. This proposition is understood as an attempt democratize the exercise of the constituent power to an approach with the Latin American New Constitutionalism. Some innovations referring to the text of 1976 are presented, especially the changes in the economy, the recognition of private property, besides além the implementation of de mecanismos de nomination and mandate of the President of the Republic. The methodology involves qualitative research, deductive and inductive reasoning, and theoretical-methodological guidelines from the Critical Theory of the capitalist society and Law. The research has multidisciplinary and theoretical-normative profile, connecting the fields of Constitutional Law, Economics and Politics. The techniques of research adopted are bibliographical review and documentary analysis. The sources of research legislative documents, academic papers and books, besides data extracted from official institutions, newspapers and journals. The main conclusions underline the new constitutional text tries to adapt real socialism to the political and economic demands of widen participation and access to new incomes.
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