The criminalization of poverty and the state effects of neoliberal security

impressions from Montanã, Guerrero


  • Mariana Mora Bayo CIESAS- México


Montanã. Criminalization. Poverty.


The article analyzes the articulated effects of Mexican State security and social development policies at the end of the Calderón administration, specifically in terms of the impact on the lives of indigenous people in the Mountain region of Guerrero. Upon reviewing cases of human rights violations committed by Mexican State security forces, it signals a tendency toward the criminalization of poverty. It describes the logics behind the social program, Oportunidades, in order to suggest that it generates a devalorization of the lives of those indigenous populations unable to improve their social and cultural capital. The article argues that the effects of this security - development nexus generates a double permissibility of death. 


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How to Cite

Mora Bayo, M. (2014). The criminalization of poverty and the state effects of neoliberal security: impressions from Montanã, Guerrero. Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 7(2), 174–208. Retrieved from



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