responses of the Community Police of Guerrero


  • Maria Teresa Sierra Profesora-Investigadora del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social-México.


Neoliberal vilence, Guerrero, Indigenous people


The community police is an institution of the Indigenous Peoples of Guerrero known for its ability to deal with crime and generate alternatives for social peace, using a system of justice and self security. In recent years, however, the EU system faces harassment from various people responsible for the increase of violence and insecurity within the country and especially in the state in Guerrero; this situation is impacting instituitions in the community, forcing their redefinition. In this paper I highlight key aspects of the conflict and the community's responses to deal with the tasks of justice and security in new contexts marked by neoliberal plunder and impunity of the state (as well as non state figures). In this process, the relationship of the community police with the state is updated revealing the weight of legal ambiguity and power plays, as well as counter-hegemonic use of the right to dispute justice.


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How to Cite

Sierra, M. T. (2014). SECURITY AND JUSTICE UNDER HARASSMENT IN TIMES OF NEOLIBERAL VIOLENCE: responses of the Community Police of Guerrero. Journal of Study and Research on the Americas, 7(2), 11–36. Retrieved from



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