The New Fee for Checked Baggage and the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC): Corporatism or Mediation of Interests?


  • Alfredo Ribeiro da Cunha Lobo Miranda Lima & Lobo Law Firm

Palabras clave:

corporativismo, Estado Regulador, ANAC, passagem aérea, valor


Purpose ”“ To verify if the deregulation by the National Civil Aviation Agency, which granted airlines permission to charge consumers for checked baggage, follows corporatist theory or the regulatory state assumptions.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ The theoretical underpinnings that will base the research rely on Mihaïl Manoïlescu's corporative theory and on the construct of Regulatory State, from the perspective of the mediating activity of regulatory agencies. This study applies the current federal legislation to the subject and analyzes the results of the recent researches regarding the values ”‹”‹of the air tickets practiced in Brazil, with the objective of verifying if the deregulation for checked baggage fulfilled the interests of airlines, consumers or both.

Findings ”“ The change brought by the National Civil Aviation Agency is closely related to its prerogatives granted by the regulatory state and cannot be explained by corporatism assumptions.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alfredo Ribeiro da Cunha Lobo, Miranda Lima & Lobo Law Firm



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Cómo citar

LOBO, Alfredo Ribeiro da Cunha. The New Fee for Checked Baggage and the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC): Corporatism or Mediation of Interests?. Revista de Direito Setorial e Regulatório, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 151–168, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 oct. 2024.