Administrative State, Legislative Power and the review of the principle of separation of power
separation of powers, Liberal State, Social State, Administrative State, regulatory functionAbstract
Purpose ”“ This paper aims to systematize points of view concerning the principle of separation of power, harmonizing the outcomes of the Administrative State with the Legislative Power.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ It analyzes and re-examines the classical theory of separation of powers, especially Montesquieu’s, liberal hue, in the context of the Welfare State and the exercise of regulatory function ”“ administration of law ”“ from the independent establishments to adjust it in today’s state structure.
Findings ”“ The Administrative State, responsible for the regulatory function, does not violate the principle of separation of powers nor invade the attributions of the Legislative Power, given that they operate exactly under the of public policy goals set forth by the legislator.
Practical implications ”“ Away form the common claim that the Administrative State violates the principle of separation of powers by invading the Legislative Power competencies, independent establishments are strengthened and gain legitimacy in the exercise of their objectives.
Originality/value ”“ This paper has focuses on points of intersection between different views of the principle of separation of powers, uniting them on the purpose of harmonizing the outcomes of the Administrative State with Legislative Power competencies.
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