Convergence of Education and Technology:

Exploring Benefits and Challenges from the Student's Perspective in the Use of Interactive Tools for Teaching


  • Júlia Moura Orsini Universidade de Brasilia


Tecnologia e Educação, Colaboração Online, Redes Sociais na Educação


This article explores the intersection between technology and education, focusing on online collaboration in the discipline of Education, Technologies, and Communication (ETEC) from the students' perspective. The theoretical framework highlights the evolution of attitudes toward technology and addresses the integration of technology in education, emphasizing Warschauer's (1998) views – deterministic, instrumentalist, and critical – with a focus on Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology. In the context of Digital Technologies of Information, Communication, and Expression (TICE), Collaborative Interactionism is highlighted, emphasizing didactic activism and adaptation to interactive possibilities. The analysis of the introduction and evolution of social networks reveals their crucial role in transforming educational practices. Results present students' perceptions of online collaboration, highlighting the perceived effectiveness of interactive technologies. Benefits such as flexibility and diversified perspectives are discussed, along with challenges, including textual interpretation and time management. Final considerations emphasize the need for a strategic and critical approach to integrating technology into education, recognizing the importance of setting boundaries to preserve students' well-being



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How to Cite

MOURA ORSINI, Júlia. Convergence of Education and Technology:: Exploring Benefits and Challenges from the Student’s Perspective in the Use of Interactive Tools for Teaching. Revista Desempenho, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 34, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.