Severity of rust and the shot hole in genotypes of peach in production organic system


  • Leandro Luiz Marcuzzo Instituto Federal Catarinense/ Campus Rio do Sul
  • Juliano Evandro Santos Instituto Federal Catarinense/ Campus Rio do Sul



Prunus persica, genetic resistance,, Tranzschelia discolor, Wilsonomyces carpophilus, organic


In the organic system of peach production the diseases rustand shot hole compromise the quality and productivity of the culture. The use of resistant genotypesis one of the ways of disease management in this production system, however it needs an evaluation among different cultivars. The genotypes evaluated were Aurora, Chimarrita, Della Nona, Douradão, Dourado 1, Dourado 2, Flor da prince, Granada, Ouro e Premier to these diseases. The severity of the two diseases was measured weekly and subsequently calculated the area under the disease progress curve. The data were subjected to analysisof variance and by the Scott-Knott test at 5%. The genotypes Aurora, Chimarrita, Della Nona, Douradão, Dourado 2, Flor da Prince, Granada, Ouro e Premier respectively showed 5.25; 4.86; 5.52; 6.31; 5.95; 6.18; 4.11; 5.05 e 5.50% of severity to bullet hole disease. The genotypes Aurora, Chimarrita, Della Nona, Dourado 1, Flor da Prince, Ouro e Premier respectively showed 0.79; 0.58; 0.63; 0.56; 0.89; 0.83 e 0,72% of severity to rust. The genotypes have differences in resistance to rust and shot hole in organic production system


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