Indolbutyric acid and homeopathic preparations in the herbaceous cuttings of natural greenberries of south of Brazil




Rubus brasiliensis, Rubus erithroclados, Rooting, Domestication


Greenberries (Rubus erythroclados and R. brasiliensis) are native from Brazil and have high market potential. This work aimed to study the rooting of greenberries cuttings using homeopathic preparations and indolbutyric acid (IBA). Two experiments were carried out with six treatments: Carcinosinum 12CH, Silicea 12CH, Arnica 12CH, AIB 1 mg L-1, AIB 2 mg L-1 and distilled water. Herbaceous cuttings were immersed in the treatment for 30 seconds and cultivated in a substrate composed of sand and vermiculite. The homeopathic treatments had cuttings sprinkled with the treatments for 30 days. Both species showed a low rate of viability with survival of 2.52% in R. brasiliensis and 6.13% in R. erythroclados. The treatment that provided greater survival in R. erythroclados was Silicea 12CH. The most efficient treatment for variables related to vegetative growth was AIB 2 mg/L in R. brasiliensis and Arnica in R. erythroclados. The multiplication of greenberries showed low success rates, it is suggested the evaluation of other vegetative propagation strategies.


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