The agroecology technical course of the “Escola 25 de Maio”: conflicts around the building of the agroecological proposal.
agroecology, echnical training, conflictvAbstract
This paper analyzes the conflicts between the actors involved in building the agroecology technical course at the Escola 25 de Maio, located in Fraiburgo/SC. This course is part of the National Education Program in Agrarian Reform (PRONERA), which has as a premise for the training realization, the partnership between rural social movements, public universities and the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). Although the actors united around the course proposal havethe common goal of developing a proposal based in the agroecology, the different visions of agroecology, education, world and society, cause conflicts that interfere with the establishment and implementation of course. Within this framework, how the formation agroecology Course was constituted? How the different visions interfere in this construction? What is the agroecology role in this picture?
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