Continued Formation in Sexual Diversity and the possibilities that emanate from Intersectionality allied to Critical Discourse Studies




Continued Formation, Critical Discourse Studies, Intersectionality, Sexual Diversity, Social Change


This paper addresses the analytical possibilities between Intersectionality and Critical Discourse Studies towards the narratives of 3 public education professionals from D.C. who participated in “Recognizing Sexual Diversity at School” in 2022. As part of the activities, it was necessary to participate in forums which brought up discussions on self-identification and identity crossroads. These texts presented perceptions about social inequality which affected the participants, as well as their students. Thus, through the posted texts and semi-structured interviews, I aim at analyzing their narratives to comprehend how simultaneous oppressions impact determined bodies at school. Moreover, these texts’ discursive materiality indicates the participants’ critical reflexivity process which can propose provocative actions towards social change where they work. Methodologically, this study is qualitative and interpretative, since it is possible to observe how people articulate, how their experiences come alive and become meaningful, expressing the social relations in a freer way.


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Author Biography

Leonardo da Cunha Mesquita Café, Universidade de Brasília/Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal

I have been a teacher at the Education Department of the District Capital since 1997, working in Basic Education. I have a degree in Portuguese (language and literature) from the University of Brasilia and a master's degree in Linguistics from the University of Brasilia as well. Currently, I have been  working in the continued education for GDF at EAPE, more specifically in the discussion of the transversal and intersectional axes of the categories of class, social gender, race and sexuality.


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How to Cite

Café, L. da C. M. (2023). Continued Formation in Sexual Diversity and the possibilities that emanate from Intersectionality allied to Critical Discourse Studies. Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 2(23), 147–166.



Research articles