Política y convicción
Memorias discursivas de la militancia setentista en el discurso presidencial argentino
discursive memory. militant ethos. political discourse.Abstract
As it has been acknowledged, the so-called “memory policies” have been of central importance during the administration of the Argentinian former President Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007). In this article, we argue that one of the distinctive features of Kirchner´s discourse (DK) is the recovery of a political tradition never alluded before by presidential enunciation in Argentina: the memory of young militants of the Peronist Party in the seventies. Within this framework, this article examines the relationships which may be established between DK (2003-2006) and the discourses of the Juventud Peronista (1973- 1976), in terms of the construction of discursive memories (Courtine, 1982; 1994). We will attempt to show that in both discursive series (DK and militant discourses from the seventies), there are some topics which recur, configuring an ideological-argumentative space. As from this analysis, we also describe the configuration of the presidential discursive ethos (Amossy, 1999; Maingueneau, 1999, 2002; Ducrot, 1984). Considering that memory is intimately related to political and ideological identities, we believe that the analysis of discursive memories is another key to understand the complex process of re-elaboration of the recent past in the configuration of Argentinian political discourse.
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