La práctica del análisis del discurso en contextos políticos polarizados
Una reflexión crítica
expertise. political polarization. critical reflection.Abstract
In this paper we present a critical review of an experience of two experts in discourse analysis who, in a separate manner in 2008, did a linguistic expertise for a Venezuelan television channel that opposes Hugo Chávez’s government. The study focuses mainly on the report and the interrogatory by a government entity to the experts after they submitted their reports to the channel. The reflection articulates various dimensions of analysis in order to explain the event in the context of political polarization. The explanation is based on the notion of context seen as an intersubjective cognitive construction (van Dijk, 2001, 2008, 2009) and on the notion of macro-genre, which allows to see the expertise as a chain of genres that are dialogically constructed in the discourse struggle (Bolívar and Erlich, 2007; Bolívar, forthcoming). The data and materials consist of all the texts produced in the event. The analysis calls attention to the conflicts that discourse analysts have to face in polarized contexts, and shows how in situations of institutional intimidation discourse analysts may resort to strategies that allow them to defend themselves and keep control of the situation.
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