Françoise Choay at Arc et Senans

a critique of urban morphology




critique, etymology, urban morphology, architecture, urbanism


In October 1985, the Seminar "Morphologie urbaine et parcellaire", organized by Pierre Merlin, Françoise Choay and others, was held in "Arc et Senans", designed by Ledoux in the 18th century. The event was divided into the themes: “Urban morphology seen by international specialists” and “The contribution of the analysis of urban parcels”. The objective of this work is to discuss Choay's contribution in the annals of the event, having as reference her extensive dedication to etymology in her works on architecture and the space of the city as written themes that, in a way, permeates Choay's production in the fields of philosophy and historiography. Here, aiming to bring reflections regarding the establishment of a critique of urban morphology, observations resulting from her participation in the seminar, from readings of her works "La règle et le modèle - Sur la théorie de l'architecture et d'urbanisme" (1980) and "L'Urbanisme: Utopies et Réalités" (1965), as well as the "Dictionnaire d"Urbanisme" edited Merlin (1988). The result is a comparison between Choay's relevant thought about the city and the studies of Urban Morphology, today, after almost three decades, in the perspective of the "International Seminar on Urban Form" (ISUF) and also of the Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology (PNUM).


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Author Biographies

José Júlio Ferreira Lima, Universidade Federal do Pará, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Professor titular da Universidade Federal do Pará. Professor da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Pará. Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Planejamento Regional e Urbano na Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Estado do Pará. Graduado em Arquitetura pela Universidade Federal do Pará (1986), mestre em Arquitetura - Fukui University (1991), mestre em Desenho Urbano - Oxford Brookes University (1994) e PhD em Arquitetura - Oxford Brookes University (2000). Bolsista de Produtividade do CNPq (PQ2) desde 2019. Tem experiência na área de Planejamento e Gestão Urbana e Regional, com ênfase em Técnicas de Planejamento e Projeto Urbanos e Regionais, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: planejamento urbano, desenho urbano, desenvolvimento sustentável, habitação popular e políticas urbanas.

Ivor Samuels, Universidade de Birmingham, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Planning Architect and Honorary Senior Research Fellow of the Urban Morphology Research Group and consultant to the Civic Trust Regeneration Unit. He was Chair (coordinator) of the Joint Center for Urban Design at Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom. Author of articles and books on Urban Morphology, Residential Settlements and Urban Planning in Europe and South America.


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MERLIN, P. D’ALFONSO, E. e CHOAY, C. Morphologie urbaine et parcellaire. Saint Denis Presses Universitaires de Vincennes. 1988.

PEIXOTO, P. A. A escrita da história como um processo: As práticas historiográficas de F. Choay. Oculum Ensaios, v. 14, p. 99-110, 2017. Disponível em: Acessado em: 11/04/2021.

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How to Cite

Lima, J. J. F., & Samuels, I. (2023). Françoise Choay at Arc et Senans: a critique of urban morphology. Paranoá, 16(35), 1–9.



Françoise Choay's intellectual itineraries

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