Urban micro-climates in Panama city:

study of three historical clippings of urban occupation





Panamá city; Urban materials; Urban geometry; Urban Heat Island (UHI); Local Climate Zones (LCZs)


Some variables of the climate that influence the hygrothermal comfort of the urban space, which is influenced by the characteristics of its urban geometry (urban landscape) and its natural environment (natural landscape). This work analyzes the qualities of urban space using the Local Climate Zones (LCZs) in three different areas of Panama City. The study is based on the construction of a model for simulation of the urban microclimate using Envimet v.4.4.5 - Science software, and is carried out in 4 stages: i) data collection, ii) modeling, iii) simulation, iv) Data extraction. The work showed that the classification system of LCZs, of Stewart and Oke (2012) allows a better understanding of the behaviors of different urban microclimates. In addition, it was found that the use of arborization in the built space is vital to mitigate the high temperatures of the surfaces, be they pavements or floors covered with grass. The three cuts did not show much difference between them in temperatures (28.6, 28.18, 28.7 °C) and relative humidity (61.92, 62.94, 62.62 %); but it was evident that the Vista Hermosa neighborhood had a ZCL with UHI characteristics, indicating the highest minimum (28.24°C) and maximum (28.7°C) night temperature of the three cuts analyzed.


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Author Biographies


Born in Panama in 1969, graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (1993), graduated in Theology from Kurios University, FAK, Brazil. Specialist in Interior Architecture from the Potiguar University - UNP (2012) of RN / Brazil, Specialist in higher education from the Universidad Católica Santa Maria la Antigua - USMA (2015) from Panama, Panama, Sustainability Specialist from the Reabilita course, FAU / UNB ( 2020), in Brasilia, Brazil. She is currently a professor at UNIVERSIDAD INTERAMERICANA DE PANAMA- UIP in the subjects of Urban Planning, Architectural Design, Bioclimatic Architecture, Environmental Urban Regeneration, Territorial Planning Laws, Sustainable Development of the City. Research professor at the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá - UTP.

Marta Adriana Bustos Romero , Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de Brasília

Graduated from Universidad de Chile and Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1978), Specialization in Architecture at Escola de Engenharia, USP de São Carlos (1980). Master in Urban Planning from the University of Brasília (1985) and Doctorate in Architecture - Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (1993), Post Doctorate in Lanscape Architecture at PSU (2001). She is currently Full Professor at the University of Brasília. He has experience in the area of ”‹”‹Architecture and Urbanism, with an emphasis on Technology of Architecture and Urbanism, acting mainly on the following themes: sustainability, bioclimatism, urban design, public space and architecture and climate. Leader of the Research Group Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism Coordinates the Applied Sustainability Laboratory - LaSUS. He coordinates the Lato Sensu Specialization Course at Distance, "Rehabilitation - Sustainable Environmental Architectural and Urbanistic Rehabilitation" and research in partnership with the Blood Coordination of the Ministry of Health for the environmental rehabilitation of buildings in the Hemorrede do Brasil.


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How to Cite

Collado, A., & Bustos Romero , M. A. (2021). Urban micro-climates in Panama city:: study of three historical clippings of urban occupation. Paranoá, 14(30). https://doi.org/10.18830/issn.1679-0944.n30.2021.03

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