January/December Edition
Vol. 17 (2024)This volume marks the beginning of a new editorial phase for Paranoá. The organizational structure of the journal has been updated, now including volumes corresponding to the calendar year of publication. From now on, the journal will be organized into a single annual volume in a continuous flow format, using electronic pagination (e-location) in its published works for easier identification. The publications feature a new layout, including titles in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, as well as authorship and contribution of each author (CRediT), information on funding, conflicts of interest, and the use of artificial intelligence on the cover page.
This volume includes two thematic sections. In “Landscapes of Power: Design, Architecture, and Urbanism in Capital Cities,” capital cities are discussed not only as case studies but also as platforms from which new theoretical approaches emerge, primarily for discussing South-South relations, along with new methodological discussions on urban design and historiography. The thematic section “Building Systems” presents solutions related to building systems, considering technical, technological, economic, social, and environmental aspects in search of best practices in design and construction, as well as the fundamental innovation promoted by Academia, the productive sector, and the public sector.
Guest editors: Andreza Kalbusch (UDESC); Heber Martins de Paula (UFCAT); Ricardo Prado Abreu Reis (UFG); Leandro de Sousa Cruz (UnB).
Cover: Me. Simone Buiate (FAU-UnB). Cover image: View of the Metropolitan Cathedral [Vista da Catedral Metropolitana] (1960). Photo by Peter Scheier | IMS Collection. Reproduced with permission.
Françoise Choay's intellectual itineraries
Vol. 16 No. 35 (2023)Revista Paranoá dedicates this special issue to the life and work of Françoise Choay [1925- ]. It bears reminding that, in this special issue of Paranoá, attention paid to Choay’s textual enunciation is extended to incoming manuscripts. It is not our intention, as guest editors, to naturalise the fact that the Call for Papers is being put out by a Brasília-based Brazilian journal, or to simplify the situation. In other words, it is not only a matter of recalling that Choay visited the city during its construction or of highlighting the texts that resulted from such an experience (CHOAY, 1959a; 1959b), but also of acknowledging that proposing a debate on the topic via a Brazilian journal is not the same as doing so via a French journal. Even though primary sources are harder to obtain on the part of Brazilian researchers, distance (geographic and cultural) allows authors to benefit from an alternative framing of the issue and, thus, to escalate the debate regarding the circulation and reception of Choay’s texts. For instance: to what extent did and do Choay’s social and gender status impact on the interpretation of her work in her home country? Could a study on the operative use of her work in architecture schools challenge the relationship established by readers with theoretical books? Would revisiting books widely regarded as textbooks, such as those of Choay, also help us acknowledge the terms of her appropriations? That is, a means of producing a kind of anthropology of teaching and readings in architecture?
January/June Edition
Vol. 16 No. 34 (2023)Esta edição possui a seção temática Água & Mudanças Climáticas, reunindo resultados de pesquisas originais que procuram formas de atenuar os impactos causados pela alteração no regime de chuva no Brasil e no mundo, dentro de diferentes temas relacionados ao ambiente construído.
Editores convidados: Ronaldo Lopes Rodrigues Mendes (UFPA), Sílvio Roberto Magalhães Orrico (UEFS), Thiago Alberto da Silva Pereira (UFAL) e Livia Santana (IFG).
Capa: MSc. Richardson Thomas e MSc. Simone Buiate
Fluxo Contínuo - Julho/Dezembro
Vol. 15 No. 33 (2022)Esta edição possui uma seção temática Cidades em disputas: histórias, memórias, práticas do/no espaço apresentando um espaço de reflexão sobre a(s) cidade(s) e o espaço urbano enquanto externalizações e materializações de projetos e propostas, de disputas e tensões presentes nos discursos, nas formas de uso do espaço urbano e nas práticas sociais. As cidades tem sido o lócus privilegiado para se compreender e observar as relações e as formas de disputas sobre o espaço urbano ao longo da História, é por meio delas que se pode perceber as transformações sociais na contemporaneidade, sendo o espaço das sociabilidades e dos afetos, dos encontros, afastamentos e tensões entre os diversos grupos. Nas cidades se forjam e coadunam os mais diversos interesses numa disputa de narrativas, projetos e projeções de futuro para determinados espaços. Editoras convidadas: Viviane Ceballos (UFCG) e Regina Oliveira (UFSB) Capa: -
January/June Edition
Vol. 15 No. 32 (2022)Esta edição possui a seção temática Arquivos e Acervos apresentando um espaço de reflexão atento à ampliação da percepção e do reconhecimento sobre a importância dos acervos e das interrogações lançadas a partir das experiências nos arquivos para os estudos do campo da arquitetura e do urbanismo. Elencamos temas relevantes e prementes com a intenção de instigar e acolher novas aproximações e mudanças nas representações clássicas sobre os acervos e sobre a ideia de arquivo, movimento necessário em face da crescente complexidade e dos múltiplos desafios enfrentados pelas pesquisas e abordagens pedagógicas com/nos acervos e arquivos de interesse à Arquitetura e ao Urbanismo. Editoras convidadas: Maria Cristina da Silva Leme – FAU-USP, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos - Goethe-Universität Frankfurt e Liz Sandoval – PPG-FAU-UnB.
Capa: Izabela Brettas
Perspectives on Sustainable Rehabilitation 3
Vol. 14 No. 30 (2021)This special issue of the Paranoá Journal entitled “Olhares da reabilitação sustentável 3” brings together some of the best works produced by the students of the Specialization course Reabilita 9. The editors of this special issue, Caio Silva and Daniel Sant'Ana, also professors of the course, present Paranoá issue 30 that addresses various views on environmental rehabilitation, urban sustainability, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, climate issues that promote a broad discussion of the role of education for sustainability.
Special Issue: Technology, Environment and Sustainability
Vol. 13 No. 26 (2020)This special dossier presents papers written by researchers in the area of Technology, Environment and Sustainability of the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Brasília. They include research results carried out within the scope of its three lines of research: Structures and Architecture; Sustainability, Quality and Efficiency of the Built Environment and Production Technology of the Built Environment. The present dossier comprises studies related to techniques and processes related to the production of Architecture and the built environment, with special attention to the issue of sustainability in completed and ongoing research in this area of the PPG-FAU / UnB.
Special Issue: Theory, History and Critique
Vol. 13 No. 25 (2020)This special dossier presents papers by researchers in the area of Theory, History and Criticism of the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism University of Brasília, as research results developed within the scope of its four lines: History and Theory of Architecture; History and Theory of the City and Urbanism; Heritage and Preservation; Aesthetics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics. The dossier is configured as an important panorama of completed or ongoing research in this area of the PPG-FAU / UnB, compiling relevant contributions and serving as a historical record of academic teaching and student production.
Paranoá 24 - July/December - Cinema Urbana: Memories under Construction
Vol. 12 No. 24 (2019)This edition has a thematic section Urban Cinema: Memories under Construction, bringing together papers related to cinema, architecture and cities. It compiles papers by guest researchers and articles presented at the Cinema Urbana seminar, an event held between October 8 and 12, 2019, in Brasília. Cinema Urbana brought together film shows, academic debates, lectures, workshops and special sessions and consolidated itself as an important intellectual and cultural space for multidisciplinary debates.
Paranoá 23 - January/June - In search of water autonomy and resilience in Brazil
Vol. 12 No. 23 (2019)This edition has a thematic section on the Search for water autonomy and resilience in Brazil, which brings together, among others, the best works presented at the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Rainwater Collection and Management in João Pessoa.
Avaliação do Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão em Planejamento Urbano e Regional
Vol. 6 No. 8 (2013)Número impresso. Arquivo eletrônico em edição.
Indicadores de Sustentabilidade Urbana
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2007)Número impresso. Arquivo eletrônico em edição.