Luminic performance of the association between perforated solar screen, high window and light shelf
daylighting performance; perforated solar screen; high window; light shelf; computacional simulationAbstract
This research aimed to investigate the luminous performance of the association between perforated solar screen, high window and light shelf for an indoor office environment in a humid tropical climate. In the methodology, modeling was done with Rhinoceros3D + Grasshopper and simulations with DIVA-for-Rhino. As analysis parameters, the UDI (Useful Daylight Illuminances) intervals, Daylight Autonomy (DA) and Uniformity were adopted. The evaluations were made for North and West for the following models: Model I (perforated solar screen), Model II (perforated solar screen + high window) and Model III (perforated solar screen + high window + light shelf). Using Model III as a base, four more models were evaluated, varying the internal depth of the light shelf. The results point to the difficulty of the models reaching the minimum limits of DA (500lx) and Uniformity (0,6), indicating both the need to activate artificial lighting and the existence of high luminics contrasts. The Model III10 to the North and the Model III30 to the West achieved the best performance in relation to the UDI, ensuring adequate lighting in about 70% of the hours, more efficiently lighting the deep region of the environment and admitting low percentages of excessive lighting.
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