Study of Physical and Hydraulic Characteristics of Permeable Concrete with Rcd




Porous Concrete; Permeable Concrete; Construction and Demolition Waste


The construction industry is important for the country's economic and social growth. However, the environmental impact caused is huge, because of the consumption of natural resources and the generation of waste. With cities growing more and more, it is increasingly difficult to have a space for the correct destination of this waste. Looking for a way to mitigate the problem of waste and flooding, this work proposes a pervious concrete with construction and demolition waste. Pervious concretes were produced varying the mortar contents by 35% and 40% and the substitution of aggregates for CDW by 15% and 30%. Compressive strength, voids index, absorption, density and permeability tests were performed. The results of the tests showed that the resistance reduction can be 23% when replacing 15% of the natural aggregate with recycled aggregate, but even with this reduction it is possible to reach the resistances greater than 20 MPa. The replacement of the aggregates resulted in gains of 78% in permeability.


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How to Cite

de Sousa Fernandes, G., & Luna de Melo, C. E. (2020). Study of Physical and Hydraulic Characteristics of Permeable Concrete with Rcd. Paranoá, 13(26), 205–218.



Dossiê de Tecnologia, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade

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