Vulnerability Indicator for the Management of the Conservation of Buildings of Cultural Value




Conservation management; Indicators; Vulnerability; Buildings of cultural value; Museums; Modern architecture.


Understanding the complexity of stowing museological collections combined with the physical and functional requirements of the building is one of the difficulties faced by museum managers. This article presents a risk management method based on a Vulnerability Indicator (IVU) that represents in an integrated way the various factors and values ”‹”‹that affect the conservation of the cultural value building and its museum collections. The formulation of the IVU was based on the Factorial Method of ISO 15686-8, which considers seven variables: A-material quality, B-architectural design, C-quality of the work execution, D-characteristics of the internal environment, E-characteristics of the external environment, F-conditions of use and G-level of maintenance. Associated with the factors that affect the functionality and the state of conservation of the building and its collection, the Cultural Value Index (CVI) was developed to value cultural aspects, related to exceptionality, immateriality and the attributes that give significance to the heritage. An experimental application of the IVU Method was made at the National Museum of the Cultural Complex of the Republic, in Brasília-DF. The results show that the proposed method is a tool capable of evaluating a single museum, but also a set of museums, identifying the inherent potential risk and the vulnerability of the building and its collections. Visually, the summary graphic of the tool was able to display the results in different situations for the management of risks of a set of buildings, in addition to an isolated unit, in a way that the manager can assess in a more integrated form the existing problems and monitoring them over time.


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How to Cite

Orlandi Meira, I. ., & Zanoni, V. A. G. (2020). Vulnerability Indicator for the Management of the Conservation of Buildings of Cultural Value. Paranoá, 13(26), 157–174.



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