The production of urban space in the city of Campinas 2000-2017


  • Marcio Rodrigo Barbutti PUCCAMP
  • Denio Munia Benfatti FAU-USP



Urban Form; Campinas/SP; Contemporary Urbanization; Types of Allotments



The proposed article is based on a master's thesis and analyzes the recent urban expansion of the municipality of Campinas, based on the survey of approved lots in the period 2000-2017. This database allows us to understand the different configurations of the expansion and urban transformation of the city in the last twenty years. As not all the approved projects were effectively carried out, the research contrasts the cadastral information with the transformations verified in the images of the Google platform in the considered period. Accessibility, in this work, is taken as an element that strongly influences real estate values. In contrast, their different service levels would be creating areas visibly segregated in the recent process of urban expansion. On the one hand, the main road system, highways and main avenues of automobile circulation and, on the other hand, the more captive areas of public transport are being decisive in the differentiated location of the new allotments. In the specific case, besides the influence of these infrastructures, the local urban legislation has contributed to induce significant transformations in the urban form and in the construction of the city, mainly of its more recent borders.


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How to Cite

Barbutti, M. R., & Munia Benfatti, D. (2020). The production of urban space in the city of Campinas 2000-2017. Paranoá, 13(27), 186–204.



Design and Planning