Reabilitação ambiental e uso da luz natural na arquitetura moderna: Brasília Palace Hotel e Palácio do Itamaraty


  • Cláudia Naves David Amorim
  • Darja Kos Braga
  • Thaís Borges Sanches Lima
  • Evangelos Dimitrios Christmas
  • José Carlos Soares Grillo
  • Valéria Morais Baldoíno



Environmental rehabilitation, Daylight, Modern architecture


The article describes the conception of environmental rehabilitation designs in modern buildings of Brasília, presenting two studies: the Brasília Palace Hotel and Itamaraty Palace. The Þ rst was elaborated by a team of Architecture graduation students of the University of Brasília, and was the winner of the First Prize of Premio PROCEL in 2005, receiving also a Mention in the Bienal of Bioclimatic Architecture Miguel Aroztegui in the same year. The second study was elaborated by the research group “Environmental Quality and Daylighting in Built Environment” for the Premio PROCEL 2006. The rehabilitation design proposes the conservation of the modern characteristics of the buildings, optimizing environmental aspects, by means of design and technological strategies to use daylighting and natural ventilation, solar radiation and rainwater. The design integrates many concepts of sustainability in the architecture, installations and so on. It is demonstrated, in this way, wide possibilities to the architect in the elaboration of a sustainable architecture, preserving the original characteristics of the modern architecture.


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How to Cite

Amorim, C. N. D., Braga, D. K., Lima, T. B. S., Christmas, E. D., Grillo, J. C. S., & Baldoíno, V. M. (2007). Reabilitação ambiental e uso da luz natural na arquitetura moderna: Brasília Palace Hotel e Palácio do Itamaraty. Paranoá, 3(3), 115–128.



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