Dimensionamento de sistemas prediais de distribuição de água: um estudo bibliográfico
Água fria, Água quente, Mapeamento bibliográfico, Simulação, Sistemas prediais de água, Vazão de projetoResumo
As metodologias de dimensionamento dos sistemas prediais de distribuição de água indicadas pelas normas técnicas vigentes nos mais diversos países são fundamentalmente empíricas e tendem a superdimensionar os elementos dos sistemas. O objeto deste artigo é a revisão de literatura dos trabalhos publicados no principal evento internacional da área de sistemas prediais (CIB W62) referentes as metodologias de dimensionamento dos sistemas prediais de distribuição de água, a fim de catalogar as contribuições científicas relacionadas ao tema, a partir de palavras-chave pré-determinadas. A utilização da metodologia de mapeamento bibliográfico proporcionou a análise das tendências de estudo e as lacunas existentes na literatura. Através dos resultados obtidos, observou-se que a matéria foi objeto de estudo ao longo do período avaliado, abrangendo os anos de 2000 a 2022. Os artigos analisados se dividem em dois principais eixos: análise do perfil de consumo de água e propostas de novos métodos de dimensionamento. A técnica de simulação Monte Carlo foi a mais utilizada, mas nos últimos anos a modelagem estocástica vem ganhando espaço por autores europeus. Autores apontam possibilidade para aprimoramento dos métodos, principalmente em relação a assertividade da vazão simulada.
ALITCHOKOY, D. K. Statistical method for estimation of peak water demands in water supply systems for buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 26th, 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… Rio Janeiro: Universidade de São Paulo, sep. 2000, p. 1-9.
ASAKURA, Y.; NISHIKAWA, T. A survey on water consumption and unit design water supply amounts in office buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 44th, 2018, Ponta Delagada-Azores, Portugal. Proceedings… Ponta Delagada-Azores: Regional Laboratory of Civil Engineering, ago. 2018, p. 80-86.
ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. Projeto, execução, operação e manutenção de sistemas prediais de água fria. NBR 5626. Rio de Janeiro, 2020.
BAILEY, J.; BUDGEN, D.; TURNER, M; KITCHENHAM, B; BRERETON, P.; LINKMON, S. Evidence relating to Object Oriented software design: A survey. First International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. Computer Society, 2007.
BLEYS, B.; VAN DEN BOSSCHE, P.; KUBORN, X. Measurements of water consumption in apartment buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 38th, 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland. Proceedings… Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University, aug. 2012, p. 437-444.
BLOKKER, E. J. M.; VAN DER SCHEE, W. G. Simulation of water demands provides insight. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 32th, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceedings… Taipei: National Taiwan University of Science e Technology, sep. 2006, p. C1, 1-7.
BLOKKER, E. J. M.; VERA, C. A.; MOERMAN, A. Using a stochastic demand model to design cold and hot water installations inside buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 43th, 2017, Haarlem, Netherlands. Proceedings… ago. 2017, p. 11-24.
CHAN, Y.; CHENG, C.; KAWAMURA, S. Research of K12 School Water Consumption Grade Labeling and Evaluation for K12 School Campus. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 48th, 2022, Taichung, Taiwan. Proceedings… Taichung: National Taichung University of Science and Technology, 2022, p. 91 – 97.
CHENG, C. L.; HONG, Y. T. Research of Design Principle on Water Utilization of Primary School: Case Study in Taipei City. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 28th, 2002, Iasi, România. Proceedings… Iasi: Technical University “GH. Asachi”, sep. 2002, p. B6-1 – B6-14.
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FERREIRA, T. V. G. Modelo de simulação estocástica da demanda de água em edifícios residenciais. 2018. 171 p. Tese (Doutorado) – Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2018.
GONÇALVES, O. M. Formulação de modelo para estabelecimento de vazões de projeto em sistemas prediais de distribuição de água fria. 1986. 369 p. Tese (Doutorado) – Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1986.
HUNTER R (1940) Methods of Estimating Loads in Plumbing Systems’ Report BMS65, National Bureau of Standards, USA.
INGLE, S.; KING, D.C.; SOUTHERTON, R. Design and Sizing of Water Supply Systems Using Loading Units – Time for a Change?. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 40th, 2014, Nagano, Japan. Proceedings… Nagano: Shinshu University, sep. 2014, p. 1-12.
ILHA, M. S. O.; OLIVEIRA, L. H.; GONÇALVES, O. M. Design flow rate simulation of cold-water supply in residential buildings by means of open probabilistic model. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 48th, 2021, Hong Kong, China. Proceedings… Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, sep. 2008, p. 36-49.
JACK, L.; VAUGHAN, S. Comparison of Design Methods for Water Supply Pipework: A Case Study Analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 41th, 2015, Beijing, China. Proceedings… Beijing: Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ago. 2015, p. 284-292.
KAWAMURA, S.; CHENG-LI, C. Evaluation Method and System of Nearly Zero Water Consumption for Residential Building. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 48th, 2021. Proceedings… 2021, p. 1 – 6.
KOSE, H.; HASEGAWA, I.; ASANO, Y.; KIYA, F. Proposal on the Fixture Design in Use of Load Profile Model. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 28th, 2002, Iasi, România. Proceedings… Iasi: Technical University “GH. Asachi”, sep. 2002, p. A4-1 – A4-23.
KURISU, S.; SAKAUE, K.; MURAKAWA, S.; HAYAKAWA, K.; FUJIMURA, K.; WU, G. Z. Verification of calculation method using Monte Carlo method for water supply demands: The water consumption of an office building. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 42th, 2016, Kosice, Slovakia. Proceedings… Kosice: Technical University of Kosice, ago. 2016, p. 298-307.
MOHAMMED, S.; JACK, L.B.; PATIDAR, S.; KELLY, D.A. Assessing overestimation of water demand in different types of non-residential buildings in the UK. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 45th. Proceedings…, 2019, jul. 2019, p. 1-16.
MUI, K. W.; WONG, L, T.; YEUNG, M. K.; HUI, P. S. Demand analysis of fresh water supply for a Chinese restaurant. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 33th, 2007, Brno, Czech Republic. Proceedings… Brno: Brno University of Technology, sep. 2007, p. 61-70.
MURAKAWA, S.; TAKATA, H.; SAITO, C.; ABE, M.; TOYOSADA, K. Development of the Calculating Method for the Loads of Cold and Hot Water Consumption in a Business Hotel (Part 2) Dynamic Estimation for the Loads of Cold and Hot Water Demands. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 41th, 2015, Beijing, China. Proceedings… Beijing: Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ago. 2015, p. 340-353.
MURAKAWA, S.; TAKATA, H.; SAITO, C.; ABE, M.; TOYOSADA, K. Development of the Calculating Method for the Loads of Cold and Hot Water Consumption in a Business Hotel (Part 1) Cold and Hot Water Demands through the Attributes of Guests and Plumbing Fixtures. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 41th, 2015, Beijing, China. Proceedings… Beijing: Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ago. 2015, p. 330-339.
MURAKAWA, S.; TAKATA, H.; SAKAMOTO, K.; OHCHI, K. Monitoring the booster pump water supply system of a high–rise apartment building for optimization possibilities. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 36th, 2010, Sydney, Australia. Proceedings… Sydney: University of Western Sydney, nov. 2010, p. 43-58.
NISHIKAWA, T. Factor analysis of precipitation characteristics and water demand in net-zero water building evaluations. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 48th, 2021. Proceedings… 2021, p. 1 – 13.
OLIVEIRA, L. H. Modelo para simulação de vazões de projeto em sistemas prediais de água com medição individualizada empregando a lógica nebulosa e o método de Monte Carlo. 2010. 111 p. Tese (Livre-docência) – Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010.
OLIVEIRA, L. H.; ILHA, M. S. O.; GONÇALVES, O. M. Design flow rate simulation using probabilistic and empiric methods for water sub metering system in Brazilian multifamily Buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 33th, 2007, Brno, Czech Republic. Proceedings… Brno: Brno University of Technology, sep. 2007, p. 99-109.
OLIVEIRA, L. H.; CHENG, L. Y.; GONÇALVEZ, O. M.; MASSOLINO, P. M. C. Application of fuzzy logic to the assessment of design flow rate in water supply system of multifamily building. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 35th, 2009, Düsseldorf, Germany. Proceedings… Düsseldorf: Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, University of Applied Sciences, sep. 2009, p. 39-54.
OLIVEIRA, L. H.; CHENG, L. Y.; GONÇALVEZ, O. M.; MASSOLINO, P. M. C. Design flow rate simulation using probabilistic and empiric methods for water submetering system in Brazilian multifamily buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 36th, 2010, Sydney, Australia. Proceedings… Sydney: University of Western Sydney, nov. 2010, p. 14-29.
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RODRIGUES, K. C.; MESQUITA, H. C.; EDUARDO, R. C.; PAULA, H. M. Mapeamento sistemático de referências do uso do BIM na compatibilização de projetos na construção civil. REEC - Revista Eletrônica de Engenharia Civil, v. 13, n. 1, p. 219 - 239, 2017.
SILVA-AFONSO, A.; PIMENTEL-RODRIGUES, C. Rethinking the sizing criteria in the water supply for buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 42th, 2016, Kosice, Slovakia. Proceedings… Kosice: Technical University of Kosice, ago. 2016, p. 24-33.
SILVA, G.; TAMAKI, H.; CORREIA, G.; GONÇALVES, O. The evaluation of the per capita water demand of the University of São Paulo throughout ten years of the Water Conservation Program of the University of São Paulo. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 35th, 2009, Düsseldorf, Germany. Proceedings… Düsseldorf: Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, University of Applied Sciences, sep. 2009, p. 55-68.
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TAKATA, H.; MURAKAWA, S.; NISHINA, D. A Study on the Cold and Hot Water Consumption in the University Cafeterias based on the Time Series Analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 28th, 2002, Iasi, România. Proceedings… Iasi: Technical University “GH. Asachi”, sep. 2002, p. B5-1 – B5-12.
TAKATA, H.; MURAKAWA, S.; SAITO, C.; ABE, M.; TOYOSADA, K. Development of the Calculating Method for the Loads of Cold and Hot Water Consumption in a Business Hotel (Part 1) Cold and Hot Water Demands through the Attributes of Guests and Plumbing Fixtures. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 41th, 2015, Beijing, China. Proceedings… Beijing: Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ago. 2015, p. 2330-339.
TAKATA, H.; SHIMADA, S.; MURAKAWA, S.; IKEDA, D. Calculation of the loads of hot water consumption in Japanese hot spring hotel. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 48th, 2021. Proceedings… 2021.
VRANA, J.; JARON, Z.; KUCHARIK, M. Peak flow rates measured in residential Building. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 42th, 2016, Kosice, Slovakia. Proceedings… Kosice: Technical University of Kosice, ago. 2016, p. 34-44.
WANG, Y.; CHENG, C.; KAWAMURA, S. A Study of Hot Water Consumption in Residential Building in Taiwan. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 48th, 2021. Proceedings… 2021.
WU, G. Z.; SAKAUE, K.; HAYAKAWA, K.; MURAKAWA, S.; INADA, T. Verification of Calculating Method using the Monte Ca-rlo Method for Water Supply Demands: the Water Consumption of Mixed-use Building for Rent. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 41th, 2015, Beijing, China. Proceedings… Beijing: Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ago. 2015, p. 306-318.
WU, G. Z; SAKAUE, K.; KOJIMA, K.; FUJIMUR, K.; MURAKAWA, S.; HAYAKAWA, K. Examinations on Water Supply Load Calculation Methods of Office Building: Comparison between Conventional Design Methods and the Simulation Methods. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 39th, 2013, Nagano, Japan. Proceedings… Nagano: Shinshu University, sep. 2013, p. 529-540.
WU, G. Z; SAKAUE, K.; MURAKAWA, S.; HAYAKAWA, K. Comparison between the traditional methods and the simulation method in water supply load calculation methods for office building. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 40th, 2014, Nagano, Japan. Proceedings… Nagano: Shinshu University, sep. 2014, p. 1-10.
WONG, L. T.; MUI, K. W. Bridging the gap between model estimates and field measurements of probable maximum simultaneous demand: a Bayesian approach. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 43th, 2017, Haarlem, Netherlands. Proceedings… ago. 2017, p. 25-31.
WONG, S.Y.; WONG, L.T.; MUI, K.W. Simulations for per-capita water consumptions of appliances at secondary schools. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM CIB W062, 39th, 2013, Nagano, Japan. Proceedings… Nagano: Shinshu University, sep. 2013, p. 235-248.
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