The Digital Renaissance from Leonardo da Vinci to Alan Turing


  • Jonathan Bowen
  • Tula Giannini


Palabras clave:

Cultura Computacional, Cultura Digital, Identidade Digital, Revolução da Informação, Renascimento italiano


The Italian Renaissance started a rebirth of culture and knowledge not experienced since Roman times. Leonardo da Vinci was arguably the leading polymath of the era. We are now in the throes of a Digital Renaissance, arguably started by Alan Turing in England. The information revolution that we are now experiencing is as disruptive as any change since the Renaissance. This paper draws some parallels between these two periods and speculates on the future of digital developments.


Keywords – Computational culture, Digital culture, Digital identity, Information revolution, Italian Renaissance.




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Cómo citar

Bowen, J. ., & Giannini, T. . (2021). The Digital Renaissance from Leonardo da Vinci to Alan Turing. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 10(Especial), 138–163.



Dossiê Museologia e Cultura Digital