The Ubiquitous Museum


  • Massimo Canevacci Universidade de São Paulo


Palabras clave:

Museu Onipresente, Transmuseu, Constelação de Museus Imaginários, Etnografia multilocalizada, Sub - jetividades onipresentes


This paper is concerned with the fluidity of spac - es, material/intangible, of cultural experimenta - tion with the aim of interrogating histories, re - searching presents, imagining futures. A moving constellation of imaginary museums elaborates a “multi-sited ethnography” in order to multiply and connect a constellation of potential objects/ subjects, focusing and performing ubiquitous spac - es and kairos temporalities. Methodologically, the paper follows George Marcus’s notion of multisited ethnography that he defines as “a possible experimentation with multi-locale ethnographies which would explore two or more locales and show their interconnections over time and simul - taneously” (1995). It will connect anthropology, the arts and architecture including the work of the Anglo-Iranian architect Zaha Hadid, the Brazil - ian artist Nele Azevedo and the Bororo profes - sor Kleber Meritororeu. The Ubiquitous Museum will try theoretically to accomplish such a multisited project, drawing on Edward Said’s exile experience that configures “nonessentialist forms of cultural politics” (2006). Additionally, in discussing the concept of Transmuseum or Imaginary Muse - um Constellation, the paper will present notions such as astonished methodology, anthropological compositions, ubiquitous subjectivities.


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Biografía del autor/a

Massimo Canevacci, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Visiting Professor in the
University of São Paulo “IEA-USP”.


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Cómo citar

Canevacci, M. (2015). The Ubiquitous Museum. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 4(7), 130–150.



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