Pode o triângulo rosa falar?
O lugar da perseguição aos homossexuais nas exposições de longa duração de dois museus do Holocausto
Holocaust Museums, pink triangles, gay men, trauma, exhibitionsAbstract
The article analyzes the place of cisgender gay men persecuted by the Nazis, generally identified as “pink triangles”, in the long-term exhibitions of two of the most important institutions in the world dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the memory of the Holocaust: the American Museum of the Holocaust (Washington D.C.) and the Yad Vashem (Jerusalem). Based on discussions about trauma and the internationalization of the memory of the Holocaust, it identifies some places occupied by these victims: the place "not to say I didn't mention them", the place of "other victims", the place "annex" or the simply place of silence. In general, it shows that these subjects have been gaining space in the Holocaust memorial landscape, but they are still presented in a sparse, punctual and elliptical way, without interfering in the general interpretation of the phenomenon. Finally, it presents questions to motivate the debate about a more complex representation of the “pink triangles” in the museum narratives of the Holocaust.
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