Art at Hand

Artist’s Books in the Library


  • Amir Brito Cadôr UFMG



artist book; collection; contemporary art collections; material bibliography; curatorship.



The article presents a discussion about the formation and development of the UFMG Artist’s Book Collection, a collection that is defined by the way it was constituted (donations received individually) and the place it occupies (within a university library). The collection promotes teaching, research and extension activities about book arts. The research, as the article seeks to demonstrate, has been a determining feature of this collection since its inception, whether in defining the conceptual profile of the collection, whether in carrying out thematic exhibitions, or even in the publication of articles that contribute to the dissemination of the works.


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How to Cite

Brito Cadôr, A. (2022). Art at Hand: Artist’s Books in the Library. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 11(22), 312–334.