Museums in cyberspace
social networks as a new dynamic for the digital public
Museums in cyberspace, Museum social networks, Virtual audienceAbstract
Contemporaneity, deeply marked by the penetration of ICTs, strives to understand how Cyberculture will be able to combine activities, interactions and manifestations within an individualized and globalized but also “deterritorialized” territory. ICTs have become essential in the lives of most individuals, becoming practically their “second nature”, with speedy popularity and portability, exponentially expanding global network communication. The present study focuses on the results obtained from research to describe the interactions and shares found in the Museum of Tomorrow Facebook page, in Rio de Janeiro, and its virtual audience, before and after the closing of the institution as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some issues are addressed about the paths of museums in the 21st century and how they can balance between traditions and digital technologies, between materialities and virtualities. These issues remain unclear, without defined horizons, in the face of the digital turmoil that challenges parameters and perceptions of global society.
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