Narrativas literárias através dos objetos no museu

modos indígenas de narrar memórias e fazer museus e museologias


  • Josué Carvalho Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias



Museological Narrative, Indigenous Literature, Kaingang, Ancestrality


In this study we seek to address, among other issues, indigenous narratives through objects and understand them as literary narratives, in a perspective of how the museum can show the literatures contained in objects in its collections and exhibitions. The aim is to enable a decolonial study of the exhibitions of indigenous belongings, where the visual impact does not abort the literary narratives contained in the objects and which are part of the constitution of the stories and histories of the indigenous peoples.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, J. (2021). Narrativas literárias através dos objetos no museu: modos indígenas de narrar memórias e fazer museus e museologias. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 10(19), 336–347.