Contemporary art and memory building


  • Aline Hubner Freitas
  • Magali Melleu Sehn



Contemporary art, memory, museum, record, cultural heritage.


The article aims to present a reflection of contemporary art and the preservation of memory. It covers the main points of contemporary art from the 60's, which designates the artistic forms that emerged at the beginning of this decade, which use all kinds of materials and processes, freedom that remains to this day. These works put in contraposition the system of registration and documentation, models of circulation and interaction, before a production that is less and less concerned with its continuity memorial. Through these considerations of materiality, performances, videos, digital art, efemerity and conceptual art, the questions presented are: what is the place of memory in contemporary art? What is the role of the museum in this new context? What are the challenges of dealing with the preservation of the work and the intention of the artist? Therefore, I try to answer these questions, establishing relationships between the concepts of memory, museum, contemporary art and preservation. Exemplifying through a study of the
work "Portraits, 2013" of the artist Oscar Munõz, who bases his artistic research through the concepts of memory, ephemerality and temporal instant.


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How to Cite

Freitas, A. H., & Sehn, M. M. (2018). Contemporary art and memory building. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 7(14), 176–187.

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