Sites of Memory of the Dictatorship and the process of patrimonialising the political experience


  • Icleia Thiesen
  • Priscila Cabral Almeida



Cultural Heritage. Places of Memory. Casa Azul. Araguaia Guerrilla. Transitional Justice.


Places of memory are being institutionalized in places occupied in the past by public institutions marked by the violence and the secret surrounding their activities. In the region of Bico do Papagaio, in the city of Marabá (PA) it is located the Casa Azul, where the National Road’s Department (DNER) worked in the 1970’s and the 1980’s, covering up its real function, because in practice the place worked as a clandestine center of torture. In Xambioá, north of Goiás state, now Tocantins state, several combats occurred inthe same period. This article aims to analyze the
events that took place in this site in the occasionof the episode known as Arag uaia Guerrilla. This is a strategy of memory to appropriate, patrimonialization, musealization and turning into museumsthese spaces to promote the publicity of the facts covered up by the grey area of the State violence practiced during the Dictatorship of 1964.


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How to Cite

Thiesen, I., & Almeida, P. C. (2015). Sites of Memory of the Dictatorship and the process of patrimonialising the political experience. Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 4(8), 15–30.



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