A Bienal de São Paulo, o debate artístico dos anos 1950 e a constituição do primeiro museu de arte moderna do Brasil
Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo Museum of Modern Art, Collectionism, Modern ArtAbstract
Taking the exhibition Another Collection of MAC USP: Acquisition Prizes of the Bienal de São Paulo, 1951-1963 (MAC USP, 2012-2013) as a framework, we have searched to analyse the set of works gathered for the collection of the former São Paulo Museum of Modern Art (MAM) by means of the acquisition prizes of the Bienal de São Paulo in the 1950s, today belonging to MAC USP. We thus proposed to revaluate some of the premises adopted by art historiography in Brazil in regard to the acquisition prize system of the São Paulo Biennial, and its role in the making of an international modern art collection among us. Such aspects led us to revise the dimension of the abstraction debate in the 1950s, the system of selection of works suggesting a strong engage - ment of local art criticism with the international context, the making of an international system of circulation of artists and works, among others.
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