Graduação em Museologia: significados, opções e perspectivas
Museology. Interdisciplinarity and Museology. University of Brasilia.Abstract
Describes the implemmentation of the Bachelor Degree in Museology at the University of Brasilia. Reports on its Ì history, which first, frustrated, initiative was in 1964, and that had two other previous attempts, in 1988 and 1991. However, only with the support of the Programme directed to the restructuring of Universities, led by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (Reuni), it was possible to effectively implemment the course. It constituted a joint and multidisciplinary effort among the following academicinstitutions of the University of Brasilia: Faculty of Information Science; and the Departments of Antropology, Visual Arts and History. The present article also stresses somedirectives which underline thelearning proposition of the course: cultural responsibility, national identity, full use of information and communication technologies, and the convergence between archives, libraries and museums.