Language, social world and Spirit of Nature: a discoursive proposal for (re)connection from the Critical Aquilombagem approach
uma proposta de (re)conexão a partir da a quilombagem crítica
Critical Aquilombagem, Discourse, Education, Environmental studies, LiteraciesAbstract
This text proposes a reflection on Critical Aquilombagem as an epistemological possibility generated from the approximation of theoretical and methodological movements, which focus on discursive strategies for social protagonism, as a means to rethink new outlines for generating and sharing of social knowledge. The purpose of the article is to deepen the epistemological and methodological debate about effective ways of bringing education and experiential knowledge related to Brazil social issues in order to reach social change. Thus, Critical Aquilombagem can be observed as an environment of multidimensional (re)connection for interventions related to the plural dialogue between realities.
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