Discourse and agrarian reform in some institutional texts of Brazil
Agrarian reform. Institutional texts. Discourse.Abstract
The present study aims to establish a parallel comparison between three
institutional texts regarding the selection process of the “landless”: the Rule Execution Number 45 (2005), which regulates procedures for selecting
candidates for the National Program for Agrarian Reform; the form for inscription of the candidate in the Program, and the concession contract
foruse of“afamily farm unit”. This triangulation of data is used based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Critical Discourse
Analysis (CDA), along the lines of Fairclough (2003). In this sense, the genres of each society produce meaning and establish relationships through
texts or discourses conveyed in them. They are important for sustaining the institutional structure of society. Preliminary results of the study indicate that the documental analysis, to be carried out, can point to specific features of the model of agrarian reform that is being implemented in Brazil in terms of social insecurity.
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