Podem as humanidades digitais produzir teoria?





humanidades digitais, história digital, ciência aberta


The text deals with an alleged theoretical weakness in production in digital humanities, supposedly much more focused on developing methodologies and tools than on answering more fundamental epistemological questions. Starting from Enrica Salvatori's reflections, part of the debate on the problem and its historical trajectory is recovered. Contrasted with some referential perspectives is the hypothesis that the interdisciplinarity characteristic of digital humanities could contribute to their difficulties in producing theory and questioning established paradigms. Rather than supporting a skeptical or cynical position, the argument relies on the potential of open science and collaborative research to overcome the problem.


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How to Cite

Coelho Ferla, L. A. (2024). Podem as humanidades digitais produzir teoria?. History, Histories, 12(24). https://doi.org/10.26512/rhh.v12i24.55093