The religions of the Guinea Coast from the perspective of the Dutch merchant Willem Bosman (1688-1702)




Willem Bosman, religiões da costa da Guiné, décadas finais do século XVII


This text consists of an annotated translation of Letter 10, entitled “Describing the several Religions of the Negroes”, from the book A new and accurate description of the coast of Guinea, divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory coasts, by the Dutch merchant Willem Bosman – first published in Dutch in 1702 and translated into English in 1705. We translated Bosman's text from the English version and concluded that the Dutch merchant, despite his marked ethnocentrism, made ethnographically relevant descriptions for the study of African religions, as practiced on the coast of Guinea during the last two decades of the 17th century


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How to Cite

Precioso, D. (2024). The religions of the Guinea Coast from the perspective of the Dutch merchant Willem Bosman (1688-1702). History, Histories, 12(24).



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