Merleau-Ponty e Marion: o problema da ambiguidade entre uma fenomenologia da percepção e uma fenomenologia da doação
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Ambiguidade, Redução, Percepção, Doação, FenomenologiaResumen
The reflections that we find in the Merleau-Ponty´s Phenomenology of Perception, and in the Étant Donné of Jean-Luc Marion areanchored, as required by the phenomenological tradition, in reduction. For Merleau-Ponty, the phenomenological reduction is primarily open for a reflection of the thoughtless, of the perceptual experience, the most original and spontaneous correlation between the mundane events and pre-personal activity of the body. However, Merleau-Ponty, in his works in the 50s and even in The Visible and the Invisible, will judge this attempt as a bad ambiguity, since theperception was raised to the condition of a thought. Radicalizing Husserl's reduction, Marion´s path - "So much reduced, so the donation" - opens into a deep discussion about the phenomenal homology between reduction, donation and appearance. In the act of donation, what happens is not a phenomenon as objectal evidence, is not being for dasein oreven a phenomenon as a synthesis of our prereflective experience, but is given as pure gift. Ambiguity, thus, constitutive of the donation, it's kind of contiguous event that radicalize all forms of phenomenical and not phenomenical reduction by presenting the appearing that takes place without the prominency of an object, a subject, or even of any form of intellective or perceptive synthesis. In a phenomenology of donation, therefore, we would escape from the bad ambiguity´s problem, always present in a phenomenologyof perception. How? Here's what I seek to understand.
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