
  • Ana Elisabete Medeiros



Art, Critic, Liberty, Cultural Heritage, Brasília, Education


To intervene is to build on the preexisting, and consequently it concerns architectural design. However, intervene over an architectural masterpiece requests additional attention. Architects and urban planners are responsible for its safeguard taking into account its materiality and essence. If freedom is imperative to the existence of criticism, there is a curtailment when the critique concerns the architectural project over a masterpiece. To teach how to seize the construction of a critique over a cultural heritage masterpiece, showing its possibilities and freedom limits, is one of the tasks of Técnicas Retrospectivas course. Taking into account the symposium goal, this article aims to present the roles of art, criticism and freedom in Técnicas Retrospectivas teaching process of “educart” to intervene on cultural heritage. For this purpose the article is organized in three parts. Técnicas Retrospectivas is presented at the first part. By the perspective of art, critique and freedom the second part addresses general questions about how educate to intervene on cultural heritage. The third part shows examples of projects developed by students facing up the challenges of the general and specifics questions that Técnicas Retrospectivas made.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, A. E. (2020). ARTEDUCAR PARA INTERVIR. Revista Estética E Semiótica- RES, Aesthetics and Semiotics Magazine, 9(2), 66–77.