Partido Operário Comunista (POC)

uma história do tempo presente




Communist Workers' Party (POC), Dictatorship, History of the Present Time


This article has as its object the Communist Workers Party (POC). It is an organization of the Brazilian left, active during the so-called “lead years” of the dictatorship (1968-1971). His political line predicted that the Brazilian revolution would be socialist, and led by a vanguard party of the working class. Initially resistant to engaging in guerrilla actions, the POC sought to channel its efforts to mass movements, specifically, students and workers. However, the worsening of the repression caused internal sectors to start defending the armed struggle. Acid debates erupted within it, eroding its cohesion. Serial arrests of militants in 1971 made the party virtually extinct. In theoretical-methodological terms, the research falls within the scope of the History of the Present Time, on which I bring the reflections that supported me in its execution, in particular the objectivity of the documentary sources used by this historiographical branch.


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How to Cite

FIGUEIREDO FILHO, Celso Ramos. Partido Operário Comunista (POC): uma história do tempo presente. Em Tempo de Histórias, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 39, 2021. DOI: 10.26512/emtempos.v1i39.38977. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.

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