The Coloniality and Emancipation in the movie Emitai of Sembène Ousmane (Senegal, 1970’s)




Emancipation. Coloniality. African Cinema.


This article intends to analyze the film Emitai (1971), directed by Sembène Ousmane from a dialog with post-colonial and decolonial studies, starting from an African perspective on events. Therefore, we will use the film analysis, articulating the cinematographic narrative with interviews of the director, besides the analysis of the posters produced for the international festivals where the film was screened. The story of the movie narrates the resistance of a Diola village in southern Senegal against French colonialism, so, we bring the category of emancipation to discuss the policies proposed by Sembène and how it is done in his film narrative. Director and screenwriter Sembène Ousmane is considered one of the main film-makers of African cinema, serving as influence to several later generations of artists and politicians, both inside and outside the African continent


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How to Cite

GOMES, Vinícius Pinto. The Coloniality and Emancipation in the movie Emitai of Sembène Ousmane (Senegal, 1970’s). Em Tempo de Histórias, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 37, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/emtempos.v1i37.32803. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.