Carnaval é política:

a criação da Federação Carnavalesca de Pernambuco (1930-1950)


  • Rosana Maria dos Santos



Carnaval. Federação Carnavalesca de Pernambuco. Estado Novo.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the organization of the Carnival of Recife as part of the process of modernization of the capital of Pernambuco (1930-1950). The control to the popular ones during the reign of Momo becomes intense as the city needed to show itself civilized and with order. The elites tried to interfere in the daily life of the working class, seeking to neutralize both political and leisure movements and amusements. In this way, there was an incentive to assimilate moralizing practices, as well as an attempt to train the dominated, to gain control in their moments of not working, trying to control their habits and diversions. The conquest of the streets by the people increased the violence in the reign of Momo. The years of 1930 are marked by a strong competitiveness and conflicts between the carnival clubs. And this wave of violence became a concern not only of the political authorities, but also of the businessmen of the time. Facing the insecurity during days of celebration, in the decade of 1930 was created Federation Carnavalesca Pernambucana. According to the Pernambuco Carnival Yearbook, the arguments that justified its creation were that the "high society" of Pernambuco was interested in the state's progress, and that it was necessary to make Recife a city of tourism, Carnival and order. Thus the article contributes to the study of the phenomena of the party, in our case, the Carnival, and the unfoldings, voices and interests that circulate in it.  This research converses with historians of social history of culture, such as e. p. Thompson and Michel de Certeau, whose goal is to understand the festive forms of society and primarily be social that is inserted in its rules and structures.


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How to Cite

DOS SANTOS, Rosana Maria. Carnaval é política:: a criação da Federação Carnavalesca de Pernambuco (1930-1950). Em Tempo de Histórias, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 33, p. 113–133, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/emtempos.v1i33.22854. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.

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