
  • Moysés Pinto Neto


Hyperstition, Superstition, Organic, Synthetic, Cosmograms


Created by philosophers with an accelerationist bias, the term "hyperstition" restores an imaginative meaning to politics, presenting a fiction that becomes real, in the form of self-fulfilling prophecies. However, the notion also wants to differentiate itself as a sublimated form of superstition – this type of baseless practice that, since the Enlightenment, has been exorcised from modern knowledge as completely unreasonable, eventually leaving only some space for its highest form, purified and spiritualized: faith or belief. From an extra-axial, polytheistic or indigenous perspective, I propose an alternative view of the superstition/hyperstition quarrel, criticizing it based on the thoughts of Danowski & Viveiros de Castro (2014; 2023), Silva (2022), Bispo dos Santos (2023), Valentim (2018), Sahlins (2022), Strathern (2019) and Assmann (2021). The attribution of “superstition”, thus, appears as a form of geontopower (Povinelli, 2016) that distributes agencies in a “sapiocentric” way. Superstition and hyperstition oppose, from a cosmogrammatic point of view, respectively, biointeraction and terraformation, organic and synthetic, transcendence and supernature, and -- finally -- Edenists and indigenous people.


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How to Cite

PINTO NETO, Moysés. SUPERSTIÇÃO E HIPERSTIÇÃO. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 1, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.