The dialetic of wonderful in the Memories of Pedro Nava


  • Maria Alice Ribeiro Gabriel


Pedro Nava. Literature. Memorialistic writings. Psychoanalysis. History.


Each author adjusts the legacy of his memorialistic writings to his own peculiar context. Pedro Navas’s testimony about his childhood memories, in Trunk of Bones (1972), includes both ficcional and historical accents in its accounts. The ideas of the psychologist Bruno Bettelheim focuses on themes like oppressive parental figures, fear of abandonment and separation anxiety in the fairy and folktales. This paper discusses how these tales and themes reveal not only cathartic meanings,
but also assume a poetical and playful narrative discourse in Nava’s literary prose. The analysis is based fundamentally on Bettelheim’s approach to the fairy tales, Walter Benjamin’s reflections on the storyteller and, Gaston Bachelard’s studies on memory and imagination.


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How to Cite

Gabriel, M. A. R. (2016). The dialetic of wonderful in the Memories of Pedro Nava. Revista Cerrados, 24(40). Retrieved from

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