Melancolia, utopia e figuras maternas em Natalia Ginzburg e Christa Wolf


  • María Belén Castano UBA/CONICET



Keywords: Christa Wolf, Natalia Ginzbug, melancholy, utopia, mother figures


We will analyze the maternal figures present in the novels The City and the House [1984] by Natalia Ginzburg and Cassandra [1983] by Christa Wolf, linked to pessimism and melancholy. At the same time, it is intended to investigate the utopian component linked to the maternal universe present in the works. The comparison is motivated due to the affinity between two authors biographically, aesthetically and ideologically very related and by the fact that in both stands out the presence of melancholy related to the denunciation of oppression of patriarchy and the alienation in Modernity.


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How to Cite

Castano, M. B. (2023). Melancolia, utopia e figuras maternas em Natalia Ginzburg e Christa Wolf. Revista Cerrados, 32(62), 45–58.



Dossier - Actuality of realism: utopia and dystopia