Dostoyevsky: the other portrait (pictured/withdrawal) Contributions of Literary Writing to Linguistics, Aesthetics, Psychology and Philosophy of Language


  • Augusto Ponzio



: Otherness, love, preventive peace, responsibility, polyphonic novel.


The personage, the hero in Dostoevsky emerges under the reader’s eyes and with his direct listening, his participation. Crime and Punishment is exemplary from this point of view. Though written in the third person, narrated by the “narrating voice”, the novel shows what happens through the eyes of the personage, from his point of view, justifying all his actions according to his own ideas and conception of life. The protagonist is loved not only by Sonia, another important character in the novel, but also by the reader, concerned for him for the whole time of the narration. And yet he is a murderer. No “moral to the story”, but if at all a premonition – premonition which would seem to concern us today more than ever before – made by Dostoevsky as a writer, as an interpreter of the “great time” which characterizes literary writing.


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How to Cite

Ponzio, A. (2022). Dostoyevsky: the other portrait (pictured/withdrawal) Contributions of Literary Writing to Linguistics, Aesthetics, Psychology and Philosophy of Language . Revista Cerrados, 31(58), 178–185.



Dossiê - DOSTOIEVSKI: 200 anos

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