Christine de Pizan and Le livre de la cité des dames: points of re-reading of the traditional vision of woman


  • Pedro Carlos Louzada Fonseca Universidade Federal de Goiás


Medieval Literature. Anti-misogyny. Female authorship.


The work examines the polemic book of female authorship written in defense of woman against misogyny: Le livre de la cité des dames (c. 1405) [The book of the city of ladies] by Christine de Pizan, one of the most representative voices of the female intellectual circles of the Middle Age. It analyses the mentioned work vis-à-vis points of its re-reading of classic pronouncements of male authorship on the derogatory construction of the
social figure and cultural imaginary about woman.


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Author Biography

Pedro Carlos Louzada Fonseca, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Professor de Literatura Portuguesa da UFG, Goiânia-GO


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How to Cite

Fonseca, P. C. L. (2013). Christine de Pizan and Le livre de la cité des dames: points of re-reading of the traditional vision of woman. Revista Cerrados, 20(32). Retrieved from

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