Autonomy and Episteme of Afrodescendent Critical Thinking.

Notes for Latin American Historiography and Literary Criticism.


  • Rogerio Mendes UFRN



Hispanic American literature. Afrodescendence. Critical Thinking.


This paper discusses the absence of Afrodescendent contributions to the formation process of Hispanic American literature by historiography and literary criticism and school curriculum. The predominance of Eurocentric civilizational referents in Latin America is attributed to this fact due to colonial relations on the continent. By presenting how African cosmogonies and cosmovisions are operated and systematized in the American continent, it is intended to possess sensibilities to better understand and articulate, through History, Anthropology and Philosophy, the criticism and the understanding of Afrodescendent literary production in Latin America. Reflection on the purpose that highlights the motivation of the Epistemologies of the South, by approaching the traditional and sapiential foundations that bring Africa and America together, as well as reflections of the Decolonial Collective, with the purpose of (re)thinking the historical, political and social developments of the relationship between Modernity and Coloniality for Latin America, within the scope of the concept of “Cidade Letrada” (RAMA, 1985), the study points out the importance and centrality of ancestral heritage and critical production of genuine and independent Afrodescendent epistemology - such as Afro-realism (DUNCAN, 2006); “Pedagogia da Cimarronaje” (MENDES, 2019); Pedagogia das Encruzilhadas (RUFINO, 2018), “Inscritura” (QUEIROZ, 2007), etc. - in order to better visualize the African and Afrodescendent cultural and intellectual contribution and understanding in the process of formation of Latin America fundamental and critical thinking.


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How to Cite

Mendes, R. (2023). Autonomy and Episteme of Afrodescendent Critical Thinking.: Notes for Latin American Historiography and Literary Criticism. Revista Cerrados, 32(61), 100–113.



Dossier - African and Afrodiasporic Literatures: Emancipatory Writings

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