The (in) communicability of the art at the rave crossroad


  • Silvana Maria Pantoja dos Santos


Literature. Society. Art. Madness. Delirium.


When an artist looks at a production, the basis of rationality and intuition established on aspects of culture and history of the subject are triggered. Similarly it happens with the reader: when faced before the finished product, whether a painting, a poem, a sculpture etc., our logical faculties are raised and try to give it an explained thought, however obscure it may seem to work of art, or else, we seek a logical explanation resorting to the criticism or the artist, if possible, to inquire about the genesis of the production. This is because we are moved by the criteria of logicality imposed by society. But what about the experience of writing that breaks with normal standards, establishing themselves in the borderline relation between sanity and madness? This is the motivation for this research. Thus, we aimed to analyze the experiences of some artists’ production in order to realize the (in) communicability of their works, from the relationship between art and delirium.


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How to Cite

Santos, S. M. P. dos. (2012). The (in) communicability of the art at the rave crossroad. Revista Cerrados, 21(33). Retrieved from